Sonoma County WeAct Compost Giveaway
Cold Creek Compost is a proud partner of WeAct (Windosor Earth Action Climate Team). Just recently, we donated compost to help put on a free organic compost giveaway. It was a huge success, so next week, it will be happening again! We couldn’t resist joining the effort to spread compost and compost knowledge in our community. Here are some details:
Time and Place:
Saturday April 3, 2021
From: 9am – 1pm
Location: Keiser Park—Free ½ Cu.Yd. per household
What to Bring to Haul-Your-Own:
● Shovels, gloves
● Tarps, buckets, feedbags &/or a pick-up truck (a few extra feedbags will be available)
● Covid-Safe Mask Required
Benefits of Organic Compost:
Compost replenishes the soil and boosts your plants with nutrients, microorganisms, and organic matter, improves water retention, recycles organic resources, helps conserve landfill use, and pulls carbon out of the atmosphere.
WeAct is a group of dedicated citizens in Windsor working to address the global climate emergency through local action.
Contact: 707-494-0222