cold creek

Cold Creek at Sonoma County Dollars and $ense

Cold Creek Compost had the grand opportunity to attend this year’s Sonoma County Winegrowers and Sonoma County Vintners Dollars & $ense event at the Luther Burbank Center for the Arts.

This is the North Coast’s longest running and most widely attended wine industry event for grape growers and vintners, and Martin and the newest member of the Cold Creek team, Cody, had the pleasure of spending the day conversing and educating on how Cold Creek Compost’s products allow them to Buy Less, Spread Less, and Grow More.

Our booth gave attendees the opportunity to get a literal feel for our Agrow-Blend compost and provided plenty of nutrient and ingredient information on our planter mix products. See the photo below for a glimpse into our experience at this lovely event.

In other news, we have just updated our pricing for 2020! Slide over to our pricing page to see what’s changed.

Cold Creek at Sonoma County Ag Days

Cold Creek Compost was a proud participant at this year’s Ag Days held by the Sonoma County Farm Bureau.

Ag Days was a great opportunity for Cold Creek Compost to educate and excite kids is Sonoma County about the possibilities of compost. Our booth featured a display of our ingredients and information about how to use compost.

See the photos below to admire Shannon’s artful booth decorations and see some happy kids learning about compost from Martin.

Keeping Us from Drowning in Garbage

The Washington Post recently published an in-depth article on the massive amount of waste the world produces. Watch the video to see just how incredible the world’s garbage piles are. By diverting tens of thousands of tons from landfills annually, Cold Creek is proudly doing its part to keep us from drowning in waste. You can do your part, too, by being conscious about what you throw away and making sure to use your recycling bins correctly.

Ukiah Daily Journal: Cold Creek Looking to Expand

In light of Congressman Huffman’s visit, Cold Creek is proud to be featured in the Ukiah Daily Journal and the Willits News. This time, the subject is expanding the facility to recycle even more of Northern California’s organic material. Find the article at the Ukiah Daily Journal‘s website.

Gardens Project and Cold Creek Compost

Cold Creek Compost is a proud donor to the Gardens Project of Mendocino County. We’ve been providing compost to their gardens throughout the county since their inception.

The Gardens Project supports the development of community-based gardens in Lake and Mendocino Counties, emphasizing local and organic produce. They also work with the community and schools to promote the spread of nutrition and garden knowledge. For those interested, there are lots of ways to get involved and help the community with the gardens project. Learn more at

Below: Cold Creek compost being applied to a Ukiah garden, and then the results below

Right: We can’t guarantee corn stalks this big, but our compost certainly helps!

Below Right: Martin on a tour of the gardens

Interview with Martin Mileck on KZYX

Cold Creek is in the news! KZYX featured a story on the recent move by Willits to compost food waste and included an interview with Cold Creek’s owner Martin Mileck. The program highlights Cold Creek’s ongoing work to develop the recycling and composting industry so that more waste can be diverted from landfills. Cold Creek, with the help of public pressure, has helped change the waste paradigm in Mendocino County, where food waste composting is steadily becoming the norm.

Oh, and sorry we’re late, but Happy Fourth of July!

Composting Food Waste

In a recent report, the EPA found that 21% of the municipal waste stream in the US is made up of food waste. That’s the largest segment of all waste types generated, greater than paper and even plastic! Luckily, the composting of food waste is a steadily growing practice in much of the developed world. India’s capital city of New Delhi has recently implemented a technological initiative to recycle its food waste. However, many California municipalities are behind the times. If India can do it, so can we! Cold Creek is working hard with local governments to develop food recycling programs in Mendocino and neighboring counties.

See the EPA report:

Read more about New Delhi’s program:

Image courtesy of

Brochure Cover See Cold Creek's comprehensive Product Catalog for details on our products and their benefits. Product Catalog
Book CoverCold Creek Compost is proud to be featured in the children's book Composting Abbie, a tale of how a whale can be composted, and how a tragedy can be turned into an opportunity. More
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