soil structure

Understanding Compost and Fertilizer

If you want healthy fields and big yields, you need fertilizer, right? Yes, you do, but it’s not as simple as that. Pouring a bag of blue powder on your fields gives the plants the N-P-K they need, but there’s a lot more to happy plants than those three letters. Compost gives your soil structure, sequesters carbon, improves water retention, provides microbial activity, and improves your fields in countless other ways. What makes Cold Creek Compost’s Agrow-Blend compost special is it acts as a fertilizer and a compost at the same time. Our unique manure/compost blend provides fertilizer at less cost than a chemical fertilizer, while boosting your soil in all the ways that compost does. For more, read this article from Kiss The Ground.

Cost-Effective Cannabis

Cannabis market got you down? We’re here to help! Using Cold Creek Compost, you can get high-quality product for a fraction of the cost. If you don’t have the budget to replace your planter mix with new soil every year, you can amend your existing soil with our compost. Agrow-Blend Compost rejuvenates old soil by providing new fertilizer content, enhancing soil structure, and reinvigorating the soil’s microbiology. Just till in some compost and you’re good to go! To hear how it’s worked for others, read this story from MendoFever.

Brochure Cover See Cold Creek's comprehensive Product Catalog for details on our products and their benefits. Product Catalog
Book CoverCold Creek Compost is proud to be featured in the children's book Composting Abbie, a tale of how a whale can be composted, and how a tragedy can be turned into an opportunity. More
  • Shone Farm Fall Festival

    August 16, 2024

    At Cold Creek Compost, we are proud to support Shone Farm, a cornerstone of agricultural education and community engagement in Sonoma County. Located in the Russian River Valley AVA, Shone Farm is part of SRJC’s Agriculture and Natural Resources Department and provides students with hands-on learning experiences that go far beyond the classroom. We are […]

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  • Compostable Plastics are Tricky

    July 9, 2024

    Have you ever found yourself confused when you’re standing at a garbage can with recycling, trash, and compost compartments? We don’t blame you. Some green film plastic bags are compostable, and some are green but no more compostable than your water bottle. And to make matters even more complicated, some of those “compostable” bags are […]

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  • Donkey Day Care

    April 10, 2024

    Have you ever wondered why you don’t see lonely homeless donkeys walking the streets of Mendocino County? It’s because of the kind-hearted folks at Oscar’s Place. Oscar’s place is not only a sanctuary for donkeys, it is also a great place for people to get some donkey therapy. Cold Creek Compost is happy to donate […]

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  • Can Soil be “Used Up”?

    February 13, 2024

    The short answer is yes. Each year a farm produces crops or is grazed, it loses a bit of it’s life. Then there’s all the land that is paved and compacted into cities, homes, or roads. Soil is an increasingly finite resource, one that we can’t afford to lose. Luckily, we have composting. Composting emulates […]

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  • Park Farming Organics Wins Conservation Award

    January 12, 2024

    We’re jazzed to announce that one of our customers has been awarded the Leopold Conservation Award. While we only just started working with them, we are excited to be a part of their ongoing sustainability. Learn more about Park Farming Organics and the award on the Sand County Foundation website and on the Sustainable Conservation […]

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