Organic Bulk Potting Soils from Sustainable Sources
We get this question all the time, and the answer is yes! We do sell planter mixes! We even have one that’s specially formulated for cannabis growers. Here’s the key page from our product catalog. And when you buy from us, you know you’re getting the finest sustainably sourced potting soil in Northern California. Find more information on our products page.
Compost in your Home Garden
We know it’s early, but Spring is coming soon, and if you’re a planner you might already be thinking about this year’s home garden. You might also be thinking about which fertilizer will help you grow the biggest crop of tomatoes, corn, or grapes on the block. Our product has been refined over our 30 years of business to give you the most bang for your buck, whether you’re using our organic compost as a top-dress, or our planter mix for direct planting.
If you’re wondering how to use compost in your garden, check our faqs.
If you know exactly what you need, give us a call and order a custom blend. This season we’ll be stocking all of the most popular ingredients such as bat guano, coco coir, kelp meal, perlite, and many more.