Agrow-Blend Compost
Our compost is certified for organic production and made from chicken manure, grape pomace, yard trimmings, and food waste. Screened at ⅜”, our Agrow-Blend compost is a high quality soil amendment and fertilizer that provides the best mixture of beneficial microorganisms and carbon/nitrogen balance, resulting in a compost of unequaled quality to recharge your soil.

Growers Choice Select
Cold Creek’s Growers Choice Select is our professional quality potting soil for gardeners, nurseries, and landscapers who demand performance from soil products. The Select blend is a scientifically formulated plant growth medium that is a homogeneous blend of ingredients that assist in drainage, structure, long-term porosity, and water retention.
Ingredients: Agrow-Blend Compost, Rice Hulls, Feather Meal, Aged Forest Products

Growers Choice Premium
The Growers Choice Premium is Cold Creek’s best-selling planter mix. This all-purpose mix utilizes the Growers Choice Select as a base and introduces lava rock to add structure and porosity to the material. Additionally, this mix contains sulfur to assist in balancing pH levels.
Ingredients: Agrow-Blend Compost, Rice Hulls, Lava Rock, Feather Meal, Aged Forest Products, Sulfur

Growers Choice Elite
Growers Choice Elite is a powerhouse blend for those looking for the whole package. This organic planter mix is chalk full of everything you may need whether growing cannabis, vegetables, or installing new landscaping. It is amended with soil microbes that help improve root efficiency and encourage nutrient uptake.
Ingredients: Agrow-Blend Compost, Rice Hulls, Lava Rock, Feather Meal, Aged Forest Products, Sulfur, Perlite, Coco Coir, Bat Guano, Kelp Meal, Green Sand, Glacial Rock, Mycorrhizae

Ag Minerals
• Agricultural Lime
Cold Creek sells OMRI listed mined limestone from the environmentally conscious Blue Mountain Minerals, the largest producer of limestone products in Northern California. Please call us whether you need a truckload or a thousand tons as you will find our prices very competitive.
• Gypsum
Cold Creek sells OMRI listed Art Wilson mined gypsum, the purest agricultural gypsum available. Please call us whether you need a truckload or a thousand tons as you will find our prices very competitive. Whether for one truckload or a thousand tons, we welcome the opportunity to quote you a delivered price.